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COVID-19 – Proactive Cleaning

COVID-19 – Proactive Cleaning

In response to the questions and demands regarding the novel COVID-19 outbreak impacting individuals, businesses and communities throughout the state of New Hampshire, S&L Cleaning Services’s mission is to Safeguard our client’s image & health. Safety is a priority for our staff and clients so we are taking proactive steps to follow CDC & EPA guidelines to effectively clean & disinfect the facilities and buildings we service. S&L Cleaning is currently organizing a team of cleaners to specifically combat the cleaning demands for our clients’ locations. As per clients’ requests we have increased cleaning frequencies and briefed our staff on the need to disinfect contact points and high-touch areas daily.

S&L Cleaning is following approved guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control and EPA to ensure efficacy of our cleaning products and systems. Our suppliers have stocked the approved EPA registered disinfectants to provide safe, efficient chemicals and antibacterial hand soaps for personal hygiene. The CDC finds that existing chemicals with efficacy against human corona virus are applicable to combat COVID-19. While this new strain of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has not been tested against any disinfectants as of the time of this statement, most of the existing disinfectants have been shown effective against similar classes of viruses – the Human Coronavirus, Adenovirus, and the SARS Associated Coronavirus. Listed below are disinfectants we are currently using that show efficacy against COVID-19:

Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner EPA Re. No. 771-132. 777-70
N.C.L. #19 Disinfectant EPA Reg. No. 10324-141
Lysol Disinfectant Spray EPA Reg. No. 777-99
Windex Multi Surface Disinfectant EPA Reg. No. 4822-593

Listed below please find links and lists of approved chemicals and cleaning processes. Our next blog post contains some basic tips in personal hygiene and materials for your staff ‘s preparedness plans.

CDC Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations
CDC Resources for Businesses and Employers
CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Worker reports that he/she has been infected – What now?

Advice for a school, daycare center, office, or other facility that does not house people overnight:



– SINCE 1998 –
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